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August Meeting Minutes


Well-Known Member

The meeting was called to order by: President JP @ 1834

Location of Meeting:Kearny Pearson Ford

# of Members in Attendance:13

Guest or Potential Members in Attendance:4

Treasurer’s Report:The total amount in the bank is $2116.04

General Information:Congratulation to Red for winning a trophy at GSOT car show. Congratulations to club members present at GSOT in winning a club participation award.

Upcoming Events:

1. National City Auto Heritage Day 9Aug2014 – 1st time show open to all; RSVP’d for show is Danny, James, & JP; day of show fee is $30 and show-time is 9am to 3pm; if participating in the show, you cannot leave until end of show is announced; meeting place is Starbucks 2230 E. Plaza Blvd @ 7am.

2. Julian Apple Pie Cruise 10Aug – Meet up @ JBA Cars and Coffee at 9am and depart at 10am; JBA address is 5675 Kearny Villa Rd; endpoint for cruise is Julian Pie Company 2225 Main St Julian 90236; Cruise will encompass WickedStangs, SD Stangs, and others; Route drafted by Napoleon Diaz of SD Stangs; There will be a fast and slow group for the cruise; RSVP’d for the cruise is 7members.

3. Wicked Wednesday @ Venga Venga 20Aug; meet at 5:30pm and eat at 6pm; thanks go out to Jenn for setting it up; RSVP is 5 members and 2 maybe.

4. Ed Hanson’s Warriors United Car Show 13Sept – Open to all; $35 is registered by 7Sept & $40 day of show; RSVP’d is Dennis, Danny, & JP so far “MAX PARTICIPATION IS REQUESTED”

5. Mustangs by the Bay 05Oct - $35 if registered by 2Sept and Day of Show $40; first come, first served; if there are 300 pre-registrations there will be no day of show available; no people’s choice; every participant receives a medallion and t-shirt “MAX PARTICIPATION IS REQUESTED”; there will be a club participation award given to the club with the most members in attendance.

Old Business: No old business at this time.

New Business:

Wicked Wednesday’s Trunk or Treat

Malt Shop (1 every other month)

Race Legal (possible pot-luck/BBQ) held twice a month

Barona Test-N-Tune held twice a month (as long as no conflicts with other pre-planned events)

Barona Dirt Track Racing

Dyno Shop - charge additional $10 that will go back to club

Go Kart Night – possibly Friday or Saturday

Kobey’s Swap Meet – Twice a year

2nd Annual Ramona Rod Roundup 20Sept – Free registration and food, 50/50 drawing, raffle

drawing for prizes, all money goes to Restoration Ranch; time goes from 10am to 1pm,

event promoted by a company/club who are new members of SCCCC

Coronado Speed Fest Sept 20 & 21; Emilio has car club corral passes for those that wish to


Build Day TBD – the build will go to help an injured military member that is recovering from

wounds received in combat. The individual owns a 2003 Mach1 and needs help getting

it up and running.

Community Involvement:

Exceptional Family Member Program on Military Bases

fund raisers – Chili’s & Rubios

Closing Remarks:

Next monthly meeting is scheduled for Sept 3, 2014 at Kearny Person Ford @ 6:30pm.