Well-Known Member
Pretty plain to me!:nonono

i agree with you yose!! they should have to serve, that way they know what they are sending our husbands, father, and sons into!! and not just the coast guard, but the army, navy, marines, or even the air force!!
:loli agree with you yose!! they should have to serve, that way they know what they are sending our husbands, father, and sons into!! and not just the coast guard, but the army, navy, marines, [FONT="<b><a href="javascript://">Arial Black</a></b>"][SIZE="<a href="javascript://"><font size="6">6</font></a>"]or even the air force!![/SIZE][/FONT]
OK everyone, cool your jets.....
Yes this does seem to be typical left wing liberal pandering to underprivileged and likely undocumented workers. But you have to look at this from a different angle. Question...why do so many businesses hire illegal aliens/undocumented workers? Because they can get away with paying them crappy wages and working them long hours. Yes it is true that our low prices on consumer goods are bought on the back of migrant workers. Yes there are a plethora of jobs out there that no American citizen wants to do. But that is the ONLY reason that it is so easy for undocumented workers to do just If the DOL starts going after the employers because they are forcing a **** wage in exchange for some work, I think it will actually help the DHS and ICE. IF it works it will take away the main impetus for employers to hire illegals. Sure it has a sappy human rights spin to it. But if the ability to pay low wages for illegals dries up and the employers have to pay a fair wage then I guarantee you will see a staunch in the flow of easily obtainable low paying jobs. If it works it could be actually at least slow down the flood of illegals.
At least that's my two cents....
sorry but i do not agree with that part, there is no job that is below me. if i needed the money id take any job i could get, and i know im not the only one, im tired of hearing the "immigrants" out here complaining that they HAVE to work in the fields because we wont. My grand parents and my parents worked in the fields before theirs ever even snuck into this country, its their own faults that they work for low wages. Them allowing their selves to work for those lower than legal wages forced our parents and grand parents out of the fields. you would be a fool to think that many of us wouldn't take a job out in the fields.