Click on the Thread your going to post at.
Next on the right hand, There is a blue box that says POST NEW THREAD.
Once you click on POST NEW THREAD you will get a screen like below.
Right in the Center before you post is UPLOAD A FILE once you click on that a file box will open like below.. Select the image you want to upload.
Once you select the file you want to upload it will place it in the attached files, like the image below. It will also give you two options Thumbnail or Full Image.
Below is the Thumbnail and Full Image Remeber you can click on Ctrl and upload more that one image at a time.

If you are having issues please post any errors you are receiving..
Next on the right hand, There is a blue box that says POST NEW THREAD.
Once you click on POST NEW THREAD you will get a screen like below.
Right in the Center before you post is UPLOAD A FILE once you click on that a file box will open like below.. Select the image you want to upload.
Once you select the file you want to upload it will place it in the attached files, like the image below. It will also give you two options Thumbnail or Full Image.
Below is the Thumbnail and Full Image Remeber you can click on Ctrl and upload more that one image at a time.

If you are having issues please post any errors you are receiving..