Oklahoma Chapter VP,
Hey Guys! Its been a while since I have posted on here, I have been a bit busy. We took a group of About 20 Stangs to medium sized car show here in OKC back on the first Saturday of Feburary and had a great turn out! Well we have grown since I joined here over a year ago, I have become VP of the OKC chapter, we have hit a bump or two in the road but we are bigger then ever now! Right now as a group we have almost 90 members! Usually 20-30 show for everything and we continue to grow everyday because of the amount of respect we give to our members and the fun we have as a group. Mitchell and I have done so well in getting this club to be were it is today. People love us and that is what is important. Here are some pics of our cars at the show from Feburary. We are having our first annual car show on March 23 for a cancer benefit for a gentlemen named Pete Guzman who is a good friend to some of our members. This is strictly a non profit event and all the money we make of this even goes to Pete. Its really a great deal. If any of you closer members want to attend or donate to this let Mitchell(blue2010) or myself know. Sorry I havent posted sooner.
Matt Lehman
Wicked Stangs OKC, VP
Matt Lehman
Wicked Stangs OKC, VP