All, these are the PID's for my Processor code PZP1 yours will be a little different.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are looking at the 5 digit strategy code and not the Processor code when you use Live Link. The 5 digit strategy code FBMR0 denotes a family of codes, live link only needs to know the family to come up with valid PIDs and DMRs for datalogging.
NOTE: Why are some PID's in CAPITAL LETTERS?
Those are DMRs (Direct Memory Read) some paramaters are in capital letters and respond a little quicker than the lower case options.
When you click on GetID you might get a screen like this.
When you put in PZP1 you are probably just getting the default pid list as its not a valid 5 digit strategy. See top left of images below..
The correct 5 digit strategy CODE it will automatically come up. Just remember this is the one you want to use.
If you click on the left where the black + is. It will open up and you will see the Parameter IDs. The datalogging software will be able to log all the different PID's you want it to..
Here is a view with all the PID's Expanded..
I will show you which PID's to use for Datalogging..
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are looking at the 5 digit strategy code and not the Processor code when you use Live Link. The 5 digit strategy code FBMR0 denotes a family of codes, live link only needs to know the family to come up with valid PIDs and DMRs for datalogging.
NOTE: Why are some PID's in CAPITAL LETTERS?
Those are DMRs (Direct Memory Read) some paramaters are in capital letters and respond a little quicker than the lower case options.
When you click on GetID you might get a screen like this.
When you put in PZP1 you are probably just getting the default pid list as its not a valid 5 digit strategy. See top left of images below..
The correct 5 digit strategy CODE it will automatically come up. Just remember this is the one you want to use.
If you click on the left where the black + is. It will open up and you will see the Parameter IDs. The datalogging software will be able to log all the different PID's you want it to..
Here is a view with all the PID's Expanded..
I will show you which PID's to use for Datalogging..