Feb 20 there will be a car show at Ramona High school to benefit Ramona youth Pop Warner sports. The SVT of San Diego will be there. I believe there will be awards and prizes, good food and most important ... Kids. Fire Dept will be attending, CHP will have a display & possibly their "beer goggles". Several other clubs have been invited as well. Lets make this a huge turnout to show support for the kids.
Ramona High School Map
MEETING LOCATION: We will meet at the Park and Ride lot off the 67. The address is 11575 Woodside Ave, Lakeside
For Directions to Park & Ride, see post #18 in this thread.
Cost = $20.00/car
Time = 8am - 1pm
For more information you can call Matt Curtis @ 760-802-3842 (Pop Warner pres.)
You can pre-register by sending you entry & check to:
RPW (Ramona Pop Warner)
1308 Oak Village Dr.
Ramona, Ca. 92065
make checks payable to Ramona Pop Warner.
http://www.ramonapopwarner.net/POP WARNER POSTER_1.pdf
Original Link http://www.svtoasandiego.com/index.php?module=phpwsbb&PHPWSBB_MAN_OP=view&PHPWS_MAN_ITEMS[]=200
Ramona High School Map
MEETING LOCATION: We will meet at the Park and Ride lot off the 67. The address is 11575 Woodside Ave, Lakeside
For Directions to Park & Ride, see post #18 in this thread.
Cost = $20.00/car
Time = 8am - 1pm
For more information you can call Matt Curtis @ 760-802-3842 (Pop Warner pres.)
You can pre-register by sending you entry & check to:
RPW (Ramona Pop Warner)
1308 Oak Village Dr.
Ramona, Ca. 92065
make checks payable to Ramona Pop Warner.
http://www.ramonapopwarner.net/POP WARNER POSTER_1.pdf
Original Link http://www.svtoasandiego.com/index.php?module=phpwsbb&PHPWSBB_MAN_OP=view&PHPWS_MAN_ITEMS[]=200