Well-Known Member
I got my valve covers off yesterday and I didn't seem to pin point where the ticking was coming from. How do I know which one was making the noise? Could it be a bent push rod?
do you have pedestal mount or stud mount? If you have pedestal mount do exactly what mustang cwo says...Yes I have roller rockers.
Here is an excellent video on how to set roller rockers:
Be patient, this takes awhile. Take your time and make certain the Zero Lash is correct. Make certain you add a quarter to a half turn of preload to the car; since you have a supercharger.
Retorque to 18 to 25 ft lbs. I set my torque wrench to 20 ft lbs and have awesome results.
These are the pedestal mount rockers that I have and they are not adjustable. Should I go to an adjustable rocker or just re-tourque these and see if the noise goes away?