This is going out to all who love this site.
In order to keep this up and running, we need donations to keep it alive. We are trying to raise money for that effort.
Therefore the new donation window is strictly for having the website. The yearly service fee is $129.50
Any monies over that amount will go directly in the bank for further events and the like.
Thank you in advance
Your WickedStangs Treasurer
Please refer to the Forums page above the chat window (donations)
In order to keep this up and running, we need donations to keep it alive. We are trying to raise money for that effort.
Therefore the new donation window is strictly for having the website. The yearly service fee is $129.50
Any monies over that amount will go directly in the bank for further events and the like.
Thank you in advance
Your WickedStangs Treasurer
Please refer to the Forums page above the chat window (donations)