wow, just saw this.. Very nice. I have all the material and have not started something like this.. Shame on me..
If that is the case would we just to Whidbey? What about the other WA chapters? Just wait till this summer when the weather is nicer and all three chapters explode.thats gonna be sweet when ur finished... but wouldnt it have been easier to have the names from just the washington chapter and the other chapters would have their banner with just their names on it this way its not a giant cluster f*** and it would look cleaner... idk just a lil constructive criticism i guess
If that is the case would we just to Whidbey? What about the other WA chapters? Just wait till this summer when the weather is nicer and all three chapters explode.
Its a nation wide club. We have to add all the Wickedstangs family and friends. thats just how wickedstangs rolls. I have been trhough 3 chapters I for one knwo this first hand.
I think Ronald has a point Albo.. On the Next one put the Wicked Stangs with the states in the center and put your member all around it.. We need to follow suit...
true i was sayin have the banner for all of washington cuz we all get together anyway it would be easier on albo and cali will have cali. just an idea
But we are nationwide not just WA. Albo thinks of everyone not just one chapter. Albo has been through a couple chapters as well.
I think he was just thinking of all his family and friends