V.I. Massive
Yeah.... there's no penalty for having miore cars than they requested is there? JP you should still stick it out if you missed the last one....

Red said:Here's the lastest and no so greatest e-mail. Now I'm pissed off. Now she just wants the verts only, no coups. Did you guys still want to do this ( Donna and Gween) ? Call me please. 619-247-8205
Hello again,
I have been able to find two more convertibles, so I will not need your two coups. I will have your two convertibles and my two. I would be happy to meet you somewhere tomorrow to give you the vehicle passes, if you prefer. Or I can just meet you at the entrance on H street on Saturday. Thanks for all your assistance!
Thank you,
Deanne Vicedo
Clerk/Executive Assistant to the Board
Sweetwater Union High School District
sdsubzero4 said:Well, just show up and keep it in the memory for next year when they ask. It would be bad showing if we pull out in the last minute.
1WKDRSH said:I didn't read the email that they pulled out the coupes. Shoot I wouldn't go either, to me it's all or none.